Sunday 23 October 2016


Imagine you are not a man
Neither can you be a tree
Imagine you are a speckle of dust
Floating free, floating free

Isn't is surprising and traumatizing at the same instant that all the emotions, including heartbreaks and "falling-in-loves"s , including the death of your near and dear one, and birth of the same, including the most beautiful odor transporting you to someplace else, and the horrific stench numbing your senses for days together ;everything that you will ever perceive is on this planet earth?

What about that chocolate fondue which you had ages ago, but you still remember the taste like you had it in lunch, and that carrot juice which your mother made when you were sick, putting you to further bouts of sickness, or so you thought?

That wonderful moment when you were so close to your loved ones for the first time that your sense catalogued the odor of her hair? That slight touch you pinky finger made on her nape when you were struggling with that necklace that you gifted her?
All the movies you have seen, all the books you have read, all the amazing and unruly persons that you have met in your life, like it r not, they have kept their tiny brushmarks on the canvas of your mind, and have all contributed to make you what you are.
And all of these will end with you.

Isn’t it particularly disdainful of how things are around here, that however happy or sad you have led your life, you cannot pass the baton on to somebody else. Everybody has to start afresh with a  white canvas, your masterpiece is yours alone to stare at in admiration, and then to discard into oblivion.
Do take a minute to contemplate the fleeting existence that we all are in, compared to the existence of planet earth, what is the period that we exist in?
Aren't we all like the millions of nameless particles hypothesized by physicists, constantly popping in and out of existence, not keeping any space "vacuum" in the true sense? What we have in excess is probably just the power to express the sense of decay that we feel every passing minute, which these particles don't.
Or wait, perhaps they do?

Imagine birds you have never seen
Imagine lands you have never been
Imagine boundless, all and sundry
Because at the end you are just a speckle of dust
Floating free, floating free

Just for a fleeting second lend your brain to the thought that "inanimate" is just a word made by humans, to segregate a property between objects that we ourselves lack a concrete definition of.

What if there is nothing "inanimate".?

What if there are levels of "animation" all around us?

Layers and layers of different animate flavors, each incapable of perceiving the animation of the next level, or the level below them, when each levels are decided by size. Which again might not be the case. Since we are only imagining, take a case where consciousness flows uninterrupted between the “very large” and the “very small”, but whatever is in the middle range of the spectrum gets bound by a different string of information passage. Look at the small piece of paper lying just beside you, yes that! Maybe that is talking to the 5th volume of “Anton Chekov Omnibus” on your fourth rack. Or maybe it is a bit more sympathetic and talking to the old ascetic interpretation of Ramayana, which you had in some occasion that is lost in your memory, never to open it again.
What if the topmost bolt in Eiffel tower is talking to the glass pane of Louvre, what wonderful conversation they must be having. It is all out there, just outside the boundaries of our perception maybe.

Here comes the importance of imagination. You see, that is something you can never be limited about. Nobody can censor your imagination. It is a movie your mind is making with a lot of toil for you to enjoy. Let’s face the fact that the senses which we often boast to be the most potent weapons in our armory against the marvels of nature are really weak and has very restricted boundaries.

There are creatures on this planet earth which can see, hear and feel with much more accuracy than we can ever dream of.
What is real “reality” then?
The reality made out of auditory, visionary and tactile components which we use or they?

Since your imagination will be fuelled from whatever you have directly or indirectly encountered in your lifetime, that will be close to your reality, but a bit outside of that, still. So dream on, because what you think is reality, could still be a dream.

Don’t let people snap you out
Of your recurrent reverie
Dream of boxes dream of seas

Floating speckle, do float free.

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